“Train the mind and the body will follow.” ~ Claudia Micco
The body needs exercise to be healthy and fit, so too does the mind! Exercise both in tandem and you have exponential results. This is what Claudia Micco has proven, over and over again with HypnoFitness.
HypnoFitness arose from a need all trainers have experienced. To Claudia’s frustration, some of her most sincere students were not reaching their fitness goals. None of the tools in her trainer’s toolbox were helping, so she set out to discover why. The why, it turns out, was in her students’ minds! Their negative self-talk and negative self-image was holding them back in very real and measurable ways.
To create a solution, Claudia studied clinical hypnosis, became certified, and started applying her new knowledge to benefit her students. An important note: clinical hypnosis differs dramatically from “being hypnotized”—the carnival type stage hypnosis we’ve all seen on TV where someone becomes suggestible and is led to perform an embarrassing act.
“The self-awareness has a psycho-analytic benefit. It’s like going to a psychologist, but instead of hitting the couch, we hit the step and the weights.”
What is Hypnosis? Clinical hypnosis is a state of inner absorption, concentration, and focused attention, the basis for HypnoFitness. By using clinical hypnosis, Claudia leverages her students' innate potential to use their minds to their best advantage. It’s like using a magnifying glass to focus the sun’s rays and make them even more powerful. With her guidance, Claudia’s students learn self-hypnosis and then apply that powerful focus to their workout. This process, HypnoFitness, gives students the self-control to break through the barriers of negative self-talk and negative self-image that have previously held them back, allowing them to achieve levels of health and fitness they never believed possible.
Claudia’s HypnoFitness method approaches fitness from the inside out vs the outside in. She meets her students, right where they are, and guides them through a step-by-step process of connecting to movement through awareness, breathing and then through being mindful of their thoughts as they breathe and move. Once they are aware of what’s going on inside, it becomes much easier to take care of the outside! This awareness is the key that allows them to change their relationship with their bodies.
“The affirmation exercises have helped me in my daily life . . . they get me through the ‘rough spots’ physically and mentally.”
Claudia creates customized exercises that implement the most current research in neuroplasticity, self-talk, and action. These exercises improve, stimulate, and maintain the health of the student’s whole being. Claudia’s customized verbal cues are messages of inspiration, information, and scientific theories about how the body works. Through her unique workouts, drawn from many fitness modalities, students become aware of their brain and how it works. The result? Students know what to think, what to say to themselves, and what to do to create the health and fitness they seek.
CONTACT Claudia to learn more about how you can break through your fitness barriers with HypnoFitness training.
Trainers interested in learning how to instruct their students in HypnoFitness, CONTACT Claudia here.